MozBelajar SMKN 1 Enrekang

Hello Mozillians,
This week we have opportunity to introduce Mozilla's new project in Android that is Mozilla Webmaker on SMKN 1 Enrekang. This event was held on October 23rd, 2015 at PT Wiyata Infotek Bina Solusindo.
Fachrul Razy become the mentor to introduce this new project. First, we introduce about Mozilla Community, and Mozilla Webmaker back then.

MozBelajar SMKN 1 Pinrang

Hello Mozillians,
It's very special week again, because we have the opportunity to introduce Mozilla Webmaker in a very far city from Makassar, that is Pinrang (around 185km from Makassar). This event was held on October 17th, 2015 at SMKN 1 Pinrang. We have 30 participants, and they are really excited about this new technology.
The night before they held the workshop, they had a meeting for tomorrow show.

Ario Nasis, Muhammad ilham syarifuddin, Muhammad Taufiqurrahman, Ryfo myory, Amal, Muhammad Arham, Tarmuji become the mentor to introduce this new project. First, we introduce about Mozilla Community, and Mozilla Webmaker on website.