Campus Launch Party - The Latest Firefox

Hello FSA …
Saturday, May 10th 2014 PNUP has just held the new agenda of Launch Party The Latest Firefox for Firefox 29.0. This agenda is becoming a trending topic of this week (#Firefox #FirefoxIndonesia). Some of regions Indonesia is create the same agenda as their participation for being a mozilian and to support The Latest Firefox 29.0. One of Launch Party  was held in State Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang.

Workshop Firefox OS "Make an App in a Day" at PNUP

Hello FSA, ...
Last moth, April 19th 2014, PNUP Firefox Club has held the agenda which is called as Workshop Firefox OS with the topic "Make an App in a Day". This was the third activity of us after organizing Webmaker Party at PNUP Firefox Club lastly. In this event, we introduced all about Firefox OS, how to utilize, and how to make creativity by this operating system itself.
The event was held in Multimedia Lab in State Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang at 9am until done at 1pm. It was attended by about 30 participants in various major and agency. This event also was guided by our friends from Moz Reps , Rara and Arif.