Campus Launch Party - The Latest Firefox

Hello FSA …
Saturday, May 10th 2014 PNUP has just held the new agenda of Launch Party The Latest Firefox for Firefox 29.0. This agenda is becoming a trending topic of this week (#Firefox #FirefoxIndonesia). Some of regions Indonesia is create the same agenda as their participation for being a mozilian and to support The Latest Firefox 29.0. One of Launch Party  was held in State Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang.

By support and enthusiastic of participants, the Launch Party of The Latest Firefox was very enjoyable and fun. This event was held in Multimedia Lab in PNUP at 10am until 1pm. It was attended 15 participants in many kind of major and agency. Launch Party for Firefox 29.0 was guided by our brother from State Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang, Muhammad Fachrul Razy.

He was relax and enjoy when he presented the materials about The Lates Firefox , so that the participants could understand easily and more enjoyable with the materials that he presented. In beginning, Fakhrul presented about the history of Mozilla itself. Then he continued to present some videos abou the History of Mozilla, the big community of Mozillian of the world, and also presented the advantages and best services of Firefox 29.0. Beside the materials, Fakhrul also shared about his experiences since he registered as a Mozillian. After  materials was presented, the question session was open for all participants of Launch Party The Latest Firefox. 

After about some hours, all the participants were took pictures together and also with the papercraft “KUMI” Mozilla. Finally the event has been finished fluently. We are very grateful to all who has been participated in this activity.

See you all on the Next Event in our Club....


#Firefox #FirefoxIndonesia

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