MozBelajar SMKN 5 Makassar

Hello Mozillians,
This week we have opportunity to introduce Mozilla's new project in Android that is Mozilla Webmaker. This event was held on August 29th, 2015 at SMKN 5 Makassar. We got 22 participants, and they are really excited about this new technology.
Fachrul Razy and Pulung become the mentor to introduce this new project. First, we introduce about Mozilla Community, and Mozilla Webmaker back then.

MozBelajar SMAN 21 Makassar

Hello Mozillians,
It's very busy weekend, because we were running two Webmaker Roadshow at two Schools in paralell. The first school was SMKN 1 SulSel and the second one is SMAN 21 Makassar on the same day (August, 22nd 2015). We have 25 participants, and they are really excited about this new technology.
Arisman, Tiara, Muji, and Mala become the mentor to introduce this new project. First, we introduce about Mozilla Community, and Mozilla Webmaker back then.

MozBelajar SMKN 1 SulSel

Hello Mozillians,
This week we have opportunity to introduce Mozilla's new project in Android that is Mozilla Webmaker. This event was held on August 22nd, 2015 at SMKN 1 SulSel. We have 21 participants, and they are really excited about this new technology.
Fachrul Razy, and Pulung become the mentor to introduce this new project. First, we introduce about Mozilla Community, and Mozilla Webmaker on website.

MozBelajar SMKN 1 Minasatene

Hello Mozillians,
This week we have a very special opportunity to introduce Mozilla's new project in Android that is Mozilla Webmaker in other city. We got invitation from Pangkep (around 100km from Makassar). This event was held on August 15th, 2015 at SMKN 1 Minasatene Pangkep. We have 30 participants, and they are really excited about this new technology.
Arisman, Pulung, Muji, and Mala become the mentor to introduce this new project. First, we introduce about Mozilla Community, and Mozilla Webmaker on website.

MozBelajar SMKN 2 Makassar

Hello Mozillians,
After we went to SMKN 3 Makassar, we got invitation to visit the next school that is SMKN 2 Makassar. Thanks to Mr Amin to give us this opportunity. This event was held on August 14th, 2015 at SMKN 2 Makassar.
We to introduce Mozilla's new project in Android that is Mozilla Webmaker. We have 25 participants, and they are really excited about this new technology.
Fachrul Razy, Pulung, and Zefanya become the mentor to introduce this new project. First, we introduce about Mozilla Community, and Mozilla Webmaker back then.

MozBelajar SMKN 3 Makassar

Hello Mozillians,
Our First Webmaker Roadshow is start from SMKN 3 Makassar. Thanks to Rizal our friends that teach on that school. This event was held on August 13th, 2015 at SMKN 3 Makassar. We to introduce Mozilla's new project in Android that is Mozilla Webmaker. We have 26 participants, and they are really excited about this new technology.
Fachrul Razy, Pulung, become the mentor to introduce this new project. First, we introduce about Mozilla Community, and Mozilla Webmaker back then.