MozBelajar SMKN 1 Minasatene

Hello Mozillians,
This week we have a very special opportunity to introduce Mozilla's new project in Android that is Mozilla Webmaker in other city. We got invitation from Pangkep (around 100km from Makassar). This event was held on August 15th, 2015 at SMKN 1 Minasatene Pangkep. We have 30 participants, and they are really excited about this new technology.
Arisman, Pulung, Muji, and Mala become the mentor to introduce this new project. First, we introduce about Mozilla Community, and Mozilla Webmaker on website.
After that, we introduce Mozilla Webmaker in Android. We ask the participant to create the simple website on a piece of paper with Webmaker Android feature.

In the end of event, we ask them one by one to present their website on piece of paper, and create webmaker on Android projec. One of them create really great website about Pangkep's food.
And there she is, the website creator with PNUP Firefox Club Lead Arisman taking picture together.
Here's complete photo album: SMKN 1 Minasatene Pangkep

See you next on our other Activities,

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