PNUP FC in Violet Day

Hello Mozillians,
Last week (14 December 2015), we get invitation from Politeknik Media Kreatif to attend an Event called Violet Day. This event is exhibition where some IT communities around Makassar geWe have one booth stand to introduce Mozilla Community in Makassar especially PNUP Firefox Club, our activities, how to  contribute to Mozilla. We create some KUMI, and we give some swag to other participants.

Very big thanks to our PNUP Firefox Leader Arisman, and other FSA Muji, Mala, Ario, Ilham, and Ainul.
This event was closed by Vice Mayor of Makassar City Dr. Syamsu Rizal MI, S.Sos. M.S. 

See you next on our other Activities

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